We Are All Now Programmers

Hello Friends,

So I was watching an interview with Jensen Huang, who is the Founder of NVIDIA, the semiconductor chip company that is quickly becoming known for powering the AI Revolution. NVIDIA, over the past few weeks by the way, has surpassed Google, Meta and Amazon to become the third most valuable company in the United States.

Towards the end of the interview, in response to a question about the future of society, Jensen speaks on how exactly AI is impacting humanity as a whole:

“I'm going to say something and it's going to sound completely opposite of what people feel. You probably recall, over the course of the last 10 years, 15 years, almost everybody who sits on a stage like this would tell you it is vital that your children learn computer science. Everybody should learn how to program and in fact, it's almost exactly the opposite. It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program and that the programming language is human. Everybody in the world is now a programmer. This is the miracle of artificial intelligence. For the very first time, we have closed the gap. The technology divide has been completely closed and this is the reason why so many people can engage artificial intelligence. It is the reason why every single government, every single industrial conference, every single company is talking about artificial intelligence today because for the very first time you can imagine everybody in your company being a technologist. And so this is a tremendous time for all of you to realize that the technology divide has been closed or another way to say it, the technology leadership of other countries has now been reset. The countries, the people that understand how to solve a domain problem in digital biology or in education of young people or in manufacturing or in farming, those people who understand domain expertise now can utilize technology that is readily available to you. You now have a computer that will do what you tell it to do to help automate your work, to amplify your productivity, to make you more efficient. And so I think that this is just a tremendous time. The impact, of course, is great and your imperative to activate and take advantage of the technology is absolutely immediate. And also to realize that to engage AI is a lot easier now than at any time in the history of computing. It is vital that we upskill everyone and the upskilling process, I believe, will be delightful, surprising, to realize that this computer can perform all these things that you're instructing it to do and doing it so easily. "

To be honest I actually find it to be a bit ironic that he says the technology divide has been completely closed. On one hand, it’s true in terms how much the advances in technology are democratizing access to AI and what you can build with it. But on the other hand it doesn’t acknowledge actually the widening gap between those embracing the technology, and the lack of participation from communities who fear AI and all its implications. This however, is more of a reason to lean in to understanding the space and staying up to date with its developments.

In this week's edition of the Pentridge Newsletter, we delve into updates that include OpenAI's latest creative endeavor and Google's strategic advancements. We’re also adding a new segment: the business and creator spotlight, highlighting those doing great work in their community:

  • OpenAI introduces text-to-video

  • Google's Gemini: Redefining Innovation

  • Sam Altman's Trillion-Dollar Ambition in the Semiconductor Arena

  • The Latest Quick Fire AI News

  • Business/Creator Spotlight

OpenAI's Text-to-Video Tool: Sora

Last week OpenAI introduced "Sora," a groundbreaking text-to-video tool poised to blow every other video AI tool out of the park. It’s enabling content creators to convert textual descriptions into engaging videos. This tool democratizes video production, offering unprecedented creative possibilities. Check out some examples.

Google’s Gemini Gets An Upgrade

Google's Gemini model receives a substantial upgrade, enhancing its capabilities and setting new standards for AI performance. The new Advanced Gemini 1.5 model can process up to 11 hours of audio, 700,000 words of text, and up to 1 hour of video. These developments signify a leap towards more sophisticated, AI systems, on-par-with and in some senses beating out OpenAI. Read more here.

Sam Altman's Ambitious Semiconductor Initiative

Sam Altman aims to secure 7 trillion USD to expand global AI chip production, addressing shortages and setting the stage for future advancements. This strategic move, involving discussions with global investors and partnerships with leading chipmakers, underscores the increasing importance of AI in global technology infrastructure. Learn more.

Turn Your iPhone Camera into Your Own Personal Encyclopedia

Did you know that using just your iPhone and the OpenAI site, you can get instant insights into the objects around you? Here are the steps:

  1. Grab your iPhone and head to the Apple iOS store. Download the Shortcuts App

  2. Add the GPT-4 Vision shortcut into the shortcuts app.

  3. Create an OpenAI API key by visiting the OpenAI site.

  4. Copy and paste the OpenAI API key into the shortcut within the shortcut app, and then turn on GPT-4 vision within the settings of your iPhone to enable double-tapping when your camera is open.

Now whenever you’re in front of an object and want info on it, all you have to do is open up your iPhone camera, double tap the back and you’ll get info on the object. Click here for a visual demonstration.

Quick Fire AI News

  • Pakistan's AI Vision: Imran Khan's AI initiative aims to position Pakistan at the forefront of technological innovation. Read more.

  • Gen Z and AI: A deep dive into how AI is becoming an integral part of Gen Z's educational and professional journeys. Learn more.

  • Azure's AI Innovation: Microsoft Azure announces new models for fine-tuning AI, promising enhanced performance and efficiency. Discover details.

  • AI Boyfriends in China: Explore the trend of AI boyfriends among young Chinese women, reflecting AI's evolving role in personal relationships. Explore the phenomenon.

  • OpenAI's Team Changes: Andrej Karpathy's departure from OpenAI marks a significant transition within the organization. Find out more.

  • Penn's AI Degree: The University of Pennsylvania introduces the first Ivy League undergraduate degree in AI, setting a new academic standard. Read more.

  • OpenAI's Valuation Surge: OpenAI's valuation hits $80 billion, highlighting its significant impact and growth in the AI sector. Learn More.

Creator/Business Spotlight: Aaris Grant of Black Church Tok

Today we shine a spotlight on an inspiring platform that has quickly become a cornerstone for individuals seeking a deeper connection with the black church experience: Black Church Tok.

About the Founder

Originating from Philadelphia, Aaris Grant transitioned from a career as a social media manager to launching this impactful platform in 2023. She has since grown the Black Church Tok community to over 1 million people across social channels. Her educational journey at Howard University significantly influenced her mission to fuse faith, culture, and community.

What Makes Black Church Tok Stand Out?

  • Community and Connection: Black Church Tok addresses a deep-seated need for spaces that reflect and honor the unique culture of the black church, fostering a sense of belonging and shared heritage among its audience.

  •  Innovative Engagement: The platform redefines how faith-based communities interact, utilizing social media, a visual podcast, and themed games to make spiritual content engaging and accessible.

  • Cultural Preservation: Serving as a digital archive, Black Church Tok celebrates the rich traditions and heritage of the black church, ensuring that its vibrant culture is preserved for future generations.

  •  Empowerment through Faith: The platform's journey is a testament to the empowering nature of faith and community, inspiring individuals to explore and fulfill their potential within their cultural and spiritual identities.

Black Church Tok exemplifies the power of innovative thinking in creating spaces that uplift and inspire. It stands as a beacon for those looking to deepen their spiritual journey while staying connected to their cultural roots. As it continues to grow and evolve, Black Church Tok promises to remain a vital resource for the community it serves.

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