Future Forward

AI is lowering the tech barrier

Hello Friends,

It feels like summer is flying by. As we're more than midway through the year and the season, I've been reflecting on some exciting developments. Here's what I have today:

  • Ethereum ETF Launch: Insights on the first day of trading for the Spot Ethereum ETF.

  • AI Advancements: Impressions on Claude AI's recent update and its practical applications.

  • Automation of the Week: A new feature on repurposing RSS feed content for industry-relevant posts.

  • Trading Insights: A successful swing trading setup for indices like the S&P 500.

  • News to Check Out: Recent developments in AI and technology from major companies.

A New Era of Opportunities

A noteworthy milestone that's been on my mind is the official first day of trading for the Spot Ethereum ETF on the market. This is a significant development, and we witnessed inflows of $107 million on this first day of trading, with cumulative trading volume of over $1 billion. Having been in crypto for some years now, the idea of being on-chain and buying crypto directly has always been intriguing. But now, with institutional backing, new opportunities are emerging. These ETFs, which I probably sound like a broken record talking about at this point, are just the beginning.

When it comes to AI, I've been particularly impressed with Claude AI's recent update. I've been blown away with how you can put together simple apps and interact with them on the site. If you want to take it a step further, you can transfer the code to a development environment to actually deploy a web app yourself. This is incredibly exciting functionality and further lowers the overall technology barrier.

I remember supporting a colleague a few months back with a pro forma for his real estate development. At the time, I attempted to use ChatGPT to support the task, but the tech just wasn't there yet. Ultimately, I did the work manually. Recently, I revisited the spreadsheets and material and decided to tinker with it using Claude. This time, I was able to complete the job with the AI, which highlights how powerful these tools have become. The ability to create pro formas and other complex documents shows the real potential of AI as a productivity enhancer.

Automation of the Week

This week’s automation showcases how to draw a constant flow of inspiration for content using articles aggregated by an RSS feed, then repurposing those articles into bite-sized posts that draw parallels to important topics in your industry. Link to automation tutorial

Trading Tip: The Path to Consistent Profitability

For the short-term traders among us:

One of the keys to consistent profitability? Identify setups that work for you and stick to them. One of my person favorites for swing trading indices (like the S&P 500):

- Focus on price action

- Utilize 4-hour and Daily timeframes

This approach has been both enjoyable and reliable in my trading journey.

Curious about the details? Checkout the video on it here: Link to walkthrough of trading set up

Talk soon,


News To Check Out:

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