Clone Your Writing Style

Hello Friends,

This week's edition is packed with exciting developments in AI. We're delving into how AI can clone your writing style, exploring the innovative image upscaling tool Magnific, and as always bringing you the latest in AI news. Here's what we've got lined up:

  • Cloning Your Writing Style with AI

  • Magnific: The Image Upscaler

  • Quick Fire AI News

Your Personal Writing Clone

Every day conversational AI’s are increasing in their capacity to serve as personalized assistants.

One such case is with mimicking your writing style. By uploading your writing samples to ChatGPT, you can train it to emulate how you communicate on paper.

The more you feed it, the closer the AI gets to replicating your unique voice. This is invaluable for creating consistent content across platforms, from emails to social media posts.

Steps to Cloning Your Writing Style With Chat GPT

  1. Gather Your Writing Samples: Collect various examples of your writing for the specified medium, such as blog posts, emails, and social media captions.

  2. Use ChatGPT: Log into ChatGPT. For advanced customization, consider the premium subscription for custom GPTs.

  3. Input Your Samples: Directly paste your writing into the ChatGPT interface. Instruct the AI to learn from these samples.

  4. Define Your Goal: Tell ChatGPT to mimic your writing style based on the provided examples

  5. Feedback Loop: Interact with ChatGPT, assess the outputs, and offer specific feedback to guide the AI.

  6. Refine and Iterate: Continuously refine the AI’s learning by providing new examples and corrections.

  7. Update Regularly: Keep updating the AI with fresh samples to maintain its alignment with your evolving writing style.

A Simple Tool For Better Images

Magnific is revolutionizing image upscaling with its user-friendly AI. This tool effortlessly transforms low-resolution images into clearer, high-quality versions, making it a must-have for anyone involved in digital imaging, from content creators, to photographers or anyone looking to enhance their images.

Up until now you’d have to pay hundreds of dollars to have image editing like this done. Magnific and other tools like it, such as Krea.AI, are changing the way we think about image clarity and accessibility.

Quick Fire AI News

  1. Absci and AstraZeneca collaborate to advance drug discovery with AI. Read more.

  2. Elon Musk launches ChatGPT competitor GROK. View Here

  3. Google announces it’s new AI model Gemini. Learn more.

  4. Hexus re-Creates Spotify’s year end wrap up for ChatGPT. Explore Hexus Wrapped 2023.

  5. Meta redefines AI-powered visual content with its midjourney alternative . Visit Imagine by Meta.

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