Claude Continues To Push The Envelope

+ Live Trading In the Mornings

Hello Friends,

The last month of summer is upon us and we continue to witness new developments and make new headway. Here’s what we have today:

  • Claude AI Projects: Creating a landing page from scratch using Claude AI 

  • Pentridge Partnership Program: Launching a referral and affiliate program for Content House

  • Live Trading Sessions: live streaming morning trading sessions

  • News to Check Out: Recent developments in AI and technology from big tech

Landing Page From Scratch

I’ve been consistently bringing up Claude AI, which I've mentioned in past letters for its capability to make coding and data analysis more accessible. 

Using Claude, as a way to tinker with a practical use case, I re-created the landing page for our website from scratch. Claude generated the code and visual interface, then I used the software development tool replit to deploy it. This is as opposed to the no-code web builders and templates that have become commonplace over the years and that I’ve typically used for sites.

Prototype for Affiliate and Referral Software

Another example I tackled was putting together a prototype for a software to help manage the referral and affiliate program at my Content House. Since 2022 we’ve had over 100 creators use The Pentridge Manor for various projects, from music videos to documentaries. As a way to provide creators and supporters a financial incentive and encourage championing the space, we’re launching the Pentridge Partnership Program for referrals and affiliates. 

Again, using Claude, I generated the visual and code for the dashboard and deployed it with Replit, while interconnecting a number of no-code and automation tools such as and Acuity. The full automation manages the booking process and provides real-time updates to the dashboard with booking information, in order to make the program seamless. We’ll be continuing to flesh out this software idea in the coming weeks. 

These projects got me thinking about the ease with which we can now prompt AI to provide guidance in building out our ideas. While AI isn't perfect and can make mistakes, learning to leverage tools like Claude for coding has been eye-opening. Interacting with these tools and understanding their limitations has been a valuable learning experience.

Trading and Investing Update

I’m happy to share that I've started live streaming my trading sessions in the mornings. Each day last week, I went live on Youtube at 8am to identify and take setups for Nasdaq futures. I’m going at it again this week, so if you're interested in getting a peek into the world of trading, want to understand more about it, or you already are a trader, feel free to join me in the mornings. Link To Channel.

Talk Soon,


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